Sean Spicer

White House says ‘no question’ Deep State exists, targeting Donald Trump (VIDEO)

A historic thing happened at Friday’s White House press conference. And it was so brief it could have easily been missed.
There was a short exchange between White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and a reporter, who asked if the White House acknowledged the existence of a “deep state” – the entrenched government bureaucracy and those in intelligence agencies who continue in their posts, formulating policy regardless of which party is in power.

Yugoslavia & Ukraine: a tale of western double standards

To understand the west’s inanity over the ‘Ukraine issue’, one must examine the founding and break-up of Yugoslavia.
In 1918 The Kingdom of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes formed in the Balkans. It was an attempt to create a young state from the ashes of war and centuries of foreign occupation. In 1929 this became the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and after 1945, the partisans who fought valiantly and bravely against fascism formed the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia.

Crimea is ‘our land’ – Russia firmly tells US that it will not be ‘given back’ to Ukraine

A day after White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Crimea should be “returned” to Ukraine – Russia lashed back saying in no way will Crimea be “given back” to Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in response.
“We don’t return our territories. Crimea is a territory of the Russian Federation,” Zakharova said at a weekly news briefing, referring to the Black Sea peninsula that voted in a referendum to join Russia in early 2014.

Trump Gets So Upset When He's Exposed As The Kleptomaniac He's Been All His Life

Saturday, Trumpanzee woke up, chopped up and then snorted a couple of Adderalls and started with the morning ritual-- his nasty, childish, mastabatory tweeting. One claimed that the NYTimes is fake news and that it had apologized to His Trumpiness. The fake news-- or in the Regime's own terms, #AltFacts-- is that it ever apologized to him for anything.