Sarah Palin

Heather Nauert, Trump’s Pick for UN Ambassador, Drops Out

U.S. Department of State Follow Spokesperson Nauert Delivers Remarks at a Reception in Support of the United States’ Bid to Host the 2023 World’s Fair at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on October 26, 2017. [State Department Photo/ Public Domain]Heather Nauert, who was nominated by President Trump in early December to succeed Nikki Haley as the United States ambassador to the United Nations, has withdrawn from consideration as of Feb. 16, 2018.

John McCain plans funeral, REGRETS choosing Sarah Palin as running mate

Senator John McCain may be dying, but he is not experiencing the warm fuzzy camaraderie one might expect. The Senator is battling brain cancer, and at this time the treatment is aggressive and of course the cancer is debilitating. However, people who are close to the senator told the White House that he does not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral, asking for VP Mike Pence to attend instead.
The White House has not given an immediate comment.

Ryan And Trump Threaten Primaries Against Republicans Who Vote Against Trumpcare

The other day we mentioned that a SuperPAC controlled by Paul Ryan is running threatening negative TV ads against 30 Republican incumbents. The one above has been on TV all weekend in Grand Rapids, it's suburbs to the north and east and in Battle Creek in central Michigan. The implied threat is that Ryan will destroy independent-minded libertarian Justin Amash's career the same way he destroyed the careers of Republican incumbents Tim Huelskamp (KS) and Scott Garrett (NJ).

Cohn, Bannon, Mnuchin… Trump au service de sa majesté Goldman Sachs

« Je les connais, les banquiers de Goldman Sachs ! Ils exercent un contrôle total sur Hillary Clinton ! » Donald Trump n’avait pas de mots assez durs, au printemps dernier, pour dénoncer à bon droit les liens étroits unissant la candidate démocrate aux dirigeants de la puissante banque d’affaires Goldman Sachs.

The Humiliation Of Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, The Republican Party-- While The Demented Donald Laughs At America

The superficially crafted messaging of the Republican convention has been stepped on and obliterated every day. But Hillary better not feel powerful for having had anything to do with it. It's all Trump and his incompetent, deranged micro-campaign that's causing all the seemingly self-destructive chaos. Trump lifted those plagiarized passages from Michelle Obama's speech and put them into Melania's address and ate up two-and-a-half days of headlines that might have gone to republican messaging.