Sarah Huckabee

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahYou'll notice that this meme has no words. But, really, when one thinks of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, well... hell, there are no words!A picture of Sarah Huckabee Sanders really is worth more than the far, far less than 1000 words in her limited vocabulary. In Sarah's case, she uses what words she has to, not form lies, but parrot lies; the lies of her boss. I've seen absolutely no sign of independent, critical thinking ability in Sarah.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahGeneral John Kelly, you once took an oath to defend the United States and to defend the Constitution of the United States. Then, you took a job with Trump. You've now earned this meme, and so much more. You are a Five Star Disgrace.From the day General John Kelly became Señor Trumpanzee's Chief Of Staff, we heard that he would be "a grownup in the room," bring integrity to the White House, reign in the crazy man, etc. One thing, however, raised a red flag to me; he is a long time friend of Trump.