San Diego

Peter Navarro-- LOL

One step ahead of the police, I left New York for Europe at the end of my senior year at college in 1969 and 2 years later I was living, placidly, in Afghanistan. Yesterday, another alum from Stony Brook University, Mitchel Cohen, noted that one of our fellow students, Larry Remer-- today a political operative in San Diego usually referred to as "take-no-prisoners" or "scorched-earth" campaign consultant-- is in the news.

Remember Duncan Hunter-- The Crooked Son, Not The Crooked Father?

Yesterday Morgan Cook and Jeff McDonald, San Diego Union-Tribune reporters, took their readers out of COVID-19 head and back to political corruption for a few moments. Duncan Hunter, then the only Republican congressman left in the San Diego area-- snagging the seat when his just-as-corrupt father suddenly announced his retirement-- was caught by the FEC using large amounts of campaign funds for personal expenses.

Duncan Hunter Isn't Even Going To Be The Republican Candidate In CA-50

Last year's campaign was fiery-- and so will this cycle's beDuncan Hunter, a far right congressman from the reddest southern congressional district was one of the first two Republicans in Congress to have endorsed Trump. Like the other one, Chris Collins of New York, Hunter was indicted and arrested on dozens of financial fraud charges, including wire fraud, falsifying records, campaign finance violations, and conspiracy.

Duncan Hunter Isn't Even Going To Be The Republican Candidate In CA-50

Last year's campaign was fiery-- and so will this cycle's beDuncan Hunter, a far right congressman from the reddest southern congressional district was one of the first two Republicans in Congress to have endorsed Trump. Like the other one, Chris Collins of New York, Hunter was indicted and arrested on dozens of financial fraud charges, including wire fraud, falsifying records, campaign finance violations, and conspiracy.

Wealthy Car Thief Darrell Issa Vows To Eat Duncan Hunter Alive And Spit Out His Bones

Issa (left) and Hunter (right)We all love a good dirty brawl-- especially when the two dirty brawlers are so patently repulsive that you can literally hope they both rip each other's heads off. Welcome to California's 50th congressional district, First a little background on the district itself. It's an overwhelmingly suburban district, mostly (90%) in inland San Diego County, with a slice in Riverside County.

Sara Jacobs Is Back-- And Ready To Drop Another Couple Million Dollars Of Her Parents' Money To Buy A Congressional Seat

The last time Sara Jacobs ran for Congress, it was in the Orange County/San Diego County district that Darrell Issa had abandoned as "too blue." It also turned out to be "too blue" for the Qualcomm heiress. She spent gigantically in the primary-- $2,714,931, of which $2,125,798 (78%) came out of personal money her family gave her. The biggest single candidate expenditure-- by FAR (like nearly by a factor of 10!)-- that EMILY's List made-- $2,362,544-- in 2018 was for Jacobs.