Sam Stein

Nancy Jacobson: Career Of Evil

Nancy Jacobson-- it doesn't get worse in US politicsMarie Newman was on schedule to defeat anti-Choice, anti-gay, corrupt Blue Dog Dan Lipinski in Chicago in the March 20 Democratic primary. Marie had galvanized progressives locally and nationally and raised almost $1.5 million, more than the reactionary, Machine-backed incumbent. Suddenly a Republican virulently anti-Choice 501C, the Susan B.

Problem Solvers Caucus Has Never Solved A Problem; They're Paid By Conservative Billionaires To Make Problems For Progressives

Jacobson & Penn: Murdoch pays they to undermine the Democratic PartyYou've heard the term "Fox Democrat," right? Mark Penn is the prototype. Politically he's another Bill and Hillary Clinton-Tony Blair fox in the henhouse shitbag always working to pull the Democratic Party rightward-- for which he gets paid-- and handsomely so-- by wealthy conservatives.

Is Hillary Going To Embrace Third Way, The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party?

Establishment Democrats seem upset that Bernie has turned out to be more than just a nuisance vanity candidate, quite a lot more. His popularity and rising poll numbers have certainly been forcing their candidate to take stands on issues she would have rather not talked about-- from Keystone XL Pipeline to the disastrous trade agreement she was complicit in negotiating, the TPP, and which she has now been forced to disown.