Russian President

Putin’s speech focuses on domestic issues as media pushes missile warning (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou take a quick look at Vladimir Putin’s annual address to Russian lawmakers, where the Russian President warned the United States not to deploy medium and short-range nuclear missiles in Europe, saying it would “dramatically exacerbate the international security situation” and create serious challenges to Russia.
Putin noted that “this is a very serious threat to us. In this case, we will be forced – I want to emphasize this – forced to take tit-for-tat steps.”

Putin sends clear message, this will be last term as Russian President (Video)

In a televised address to Russian citizens, President Vladimir Putin proposed moves that would ease the transition to a new pension system. Such moves included making it illegal to fire employees approaching retirement age.
Putin acknowledged that in the early 2000s, he was against any changes to the Russian pension system and promised that there would not be any changes as long as he was in office, but now the Russian President feels that the country and its institutions are secure enough to undergo a needed pension overhaul.

5 ways Russia has assumed a leadership position of the free world

For much of the 20th century, America publicised its feelings of superiority by openly stating thatAmerica both pioneered and perfected the following:
–A highly professionalised and scholarly state department that was able to conduct its duty free from partisan influence, while at the same time respecting the policy making decisions of democratically elected officials, including the President.