Russia news

US is FURIOUS Turkey bought Russian S-400 Missiles – State Dept.

One of the serene privileges being a NATO-member entails, in addition to the permission to participate in military adventurism on behalf of the US, is friendly encouragement to purchase hardware which is “interoperable with other NATO partners”. As a result, the famous protection racke…I mean…defense alliance, was not too pleased when Turkey elected to purchase the Russian S400 air defense system.

UK behind false flag chemical attack in Syria, evidence shows

Those who have been following events in long-suffering Syria are already aware of the false flags committed by terrorists. The West is threatening to attack Syria over a chemical attack allegedly committed in Douma, near Damascus.
The terrorists, otherwise called rebels, are the only faction that has anything to gain from Chemical weapons use in Syria. A US-Western intervention – the kind chemical weapons use could trigger – is the only thing that can save them from annihilation.

FBI wants $300 MILLION to prevent election meddling – can’t even prevent crime

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi want to explain to you, why the taxpayers should give the FBI another 300 million dollars. Is it to prevent terrorism…no. What about sexual predators, not at all. The alarming amount of insane people gunning people down in the streets, no, no, no…they apparently need the funds to keep The KGB out of your twitter feed.