rural development

Bernie Has Another Plank For The Most Phenomenal Platform Anyone Has Ever Run On-- High Speed Internet For All

In the 1920s, conservatives were suspicious of-- and hysterical about-- rural electrification proposals... you know, "Socialism!!!" So President Franklin Roosevelt had to get the ball rolling with an executive order (May 11, 1935). At the time, just 3% of farms and ranches were electrified.

Conservatives Are Stomping Out Family Farms-- And Not Just Republican Conservatives Either

You know what's bipartisan in DC? Agricultural policy-- and it sucks, for farmers, for rural communities and for consumers. Jeff Hauser and Eleanor Eagan, reporting for Washington Monthly, have no doubt that the Trump Regime is up to no good when it comes to family farms, but they point out that it isn't just Trump and the Republicans. "The administration is letting agribusiness run amok, they wrote.

How Desperate Are Trump Voters? They Have Rejected Education, Community... Even God

The Chosen One by Nancy OhanianWhen I was growing up, California was a swing state (as was Utah). New York, Illinois and New Jersey leaned Democratic... but not dependably so. The two bluest states in the country were West Virginia and Arkansas, sensibly so since they were two of the poorest states. Things have changed, drastically.

Blue Dogs Brag To Anyone Who Will Listen That They Have The Votes To Stop Any Progressive Legislation, Including The Green New Deal

Do you think I've been a little harsh on the Blue Dogs (and New Dems) this week/month/year/decade? Glad you noticed... no reason to stop now either. A couple of Blue Dogs celebrators at Agri-Pulse, seems to think a stronger Blue Dog Coalition gives rural America clout. It doesn't-- unless by rural America you mean corporate agri-business.

Believe It Or Not, Broadband Access Is More Important In Peoples' Lives Than Putin-Gate

Virginia's first congressional district is one of those bizarre gerrymanders that makes no sense for anyone but Republican career politicians. It's an odd concotion that stretches through 22 counties from the DC exurbs in Prince William, Fauquier and Stafford counties down through Fredericksburg south to the suburbs north of Norfolk in Middlesex, Mathews and Newport News counties. In 2012 Romney beat Obama 56.2% to 43.8%.