ron paul

Ron Paul: Why the Heck Are We Siding With Al-Qaeda in Syria?

(RPI Opinion) — Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda in Syria by demanding that the Syrian government leave Idlib under al-Qaeda control. While it may seem hard to believe that the US government is helping al-Qaeda in Syria, it’s not as strange as it may seem: our interventionist foreign […]

Ron Paul: Why Can’t the United States Just Leave Syria Alone?

(RPI Opinion) — Assad was supposed to be gone already. President Obama thought it would be just another “regime change” operation and perhaps Assad would end up like Saddam Hussein or Yanukovych. Or maybe even Gaddafi. But he was supposed to be gone. The US spent billions to get rid of him and even provided weapons and training […]

Twitter suspends Ron Paul Institute and Antiwar Directors’ accounts (Video)

Nigel Farage weighed-in on the tech giant censorship collusion against Infowars and Alex Jones with an op-ed on Tuesday, where Farage argued…”while many on the libertarian right and within the conservative movement have their issues with Alex Jones and InfoWars, this week’s announcement by YouTube, Facebook, Apple, and Spotify represents a concerted effort of proscription and censorship that could just as soon see any of u

Alex Jones & Libertarians Banned From Google, Facebook – Free Speech & Transhumanism! – Jay Dyer

The tech companies have moved to censor, as we predicted 4 years ago. Alex Jones and others have been banned from Google, Facebook and other platforms in an effort to not only chill the dissent, but to prepare for the full onslaught of transhumanism.
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RUSSIAGATE: The Power of Overseas War Propaganda, Now Deployed at Home

For years, the US government-military-media complex has relied on the ‘propaganda model’ in order to systematically suppress and distort facts about its overseas affairs, and to promote irrational fears of its perceived overseas enemies. This same instrument for overseas wars is now being deployed to undermine the current US government. 

Ron Paul: World Has Grown Tired of Washington’s Threats

(RPI Op-ed) — Just two weeks after President Trump pulled the US from the Iran nuclear agreement, his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, issued 12 demands to Iran that could never be satisfied. Pompeo knew his demands would be impossible to meet. They were designed that way. Just like Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum to Serbia in July, 1914, that […]