
With This DCCC, It Really Will Take An Electoral Tsunami To Win Back The House-- Here's Why

Not always that easy to tell who's worse, Crist (D) or Rohrabacher (R)Yesterday the House passed (246-176) a cockamamie bill by Tim Wahlberg (R-MI) called the Regulatory Integrity Act, the purpose of which is to prevent the public from finding out what rules are being worked on by federal agencies to protect the public.

Trump And Putin Have An Ally-- Meet Orange County Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

Silly man claims Team Trump wants him to be Secretary of StateNo one was surprised when Clinton beat Trump in L.A. County, She got 1,893,770 votes (71.4%) to his 620,285 (23.4%). But people were surprised when she bested him in Orange County. Orange County has long been the Republican heartland-- a fount of votes and money for conservatives for as long as anyone can remember.

Democrats Overcome GOP Opposition To Medical Marijuana In Veterans Hospitals

The new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll dug into how independent voters view the two parties. It's just a snapshot in time but 23% of independent voters saw the Democratic Party positively and 37% saw them negatively. Pretty horrible. But it was far worse for the Republicans. Only 8% of independent voters have a positive view of the GOP, while a staggering 52% see the Republicans negatively.

Legalization Of Medical Marijuana Is Inevitable-- But There Is Still Money To Be Made By Politicians Opposing It

When Congress legalizes medical marijuana-- and that's coming-- dozens and dozens of ineffective, highly toxic prescription drugs, many with ghastly side effects, will cease providing bounties to the industrial drug makers that manufacture and market them. These pharmaceutical conglomerates have appealed-- so far successfully-- to Congress to at least wait for them to make some minor, inconsequential change to marijuana before they legalize it.

Republicans Favor States' Rights When It Comes To Racist Symbols... But What About Medical Marijuana?

I haven't talked to a congressional candidate so far this cycle who hasn't been in favor of legalizing medical marijuana. And the last time marijuana policies were voted on, May 30, a healthy bipartisan majority passed an amendment by California Republican Dana Rohrabacher, 242-186. 175 Democrats voted for Rohrabacher's amendment-- and only 10 joined 176 Republicans in opposition.