rio olympics

Brazil sobers to Rousseff impeachment trial

Impeaching Rousseff, analysts warn, could plunge Brazil into further political crises and divide the country already beleaguered by economic contraction [Xinhua]
With the largely successful Rio summer Olympics at an end, Brazilians are forced to return to the sobering political reality of their country.
President Dilma Rousseff will be put on trial by the end of the week on charges of mismanaging the federal budget and breaking a number of fiscal policy rules during her reelection campaign.

The ‘ZIKA’ PANIC: Experiments, Birth Defects, Cover-Up & Conspiracy…

The warning from over 100 scientists and experts that the imminent Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil, should be postponed or moved, is very curious. As is the way the international media is continuing to portray the Zika virus. Aside from the separate question of why a country with so much poverty, so much corruption and […]

Zika can not defeat Olympics in Brazil: Rousseff

IOC President Thomas Bach said Friday that no countries intend to pull out of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro over concerns of Zika [Xinhua]Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Saturday vowed her country would host a successful Olympic Games this year despite the outbreak of the Zika virus. Rousseff has enlisted the support of the World Health Organisation.
“We are aware of one thing. There will be Olympic Games and we are focused on that goal,” said Rousseff during a speech in Rio de Janeiro, where the state is waging war against the virus.