ridley scott

Blade Runner’s Symbolism Explained – Hollywood Decoded Preview Ep 7

Ridley Scott revives film noir into the sci fi genre, with Blade Runner, bringing us a tale of technocratic dominance vs. transhumanism. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner unveil of a world where corporate globalism has run rampant, giving rise to a synthetic dystopia. Simulated perfection in this purgatory is found with Replicants – artificially intelligent beings seeking to transcend limitations imposed upon them. In the end, throughout all the turmoil, these synthetic humans may herald a new expression of humanity and benevolence. This presentation was originally webcast October 2, 2017.


Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

Based on the chapter in my best selling book with new information and analysis, I decode the highly philosophical and esoteric 1982 film from Ridley Scott.
Blade Runner is not only important for its predictive programming, but also for its alchemical and gnostic themes, as found in the rest of Dick’s novels.

BLADE RUNNER – Hidden Esoteric Meaning VID – Jay Dyer (Half)

Based on the chapter in my best selling book with new information and analysis, I decode the highly philosophical and esoteric 1982 film from Ridley Scott. Blade Runner is not only important for its predictive programming, but also for its alchemical and gnostic themes, as found in the rest of Dick’s novels.
Purchase my book here.

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