Richard Florida

Not Every Trump Voter Is A Freeloader-- But The Most Economically Productive Areas All Voted Against Him

According to a Nov. 10th poll conducted by Pollfish, 23% of Trump supporters would have voted for Democratic hopeful, Bernie Sanders, based on his commitment to fight for the middle class and against large corporations. The same poll shows some regret already. 32% of Trump voters thought he wouldn't actually win and now 11% say if they had it to do over again, they wouldn't vote for him!

It's Been A Full Week... How Could This Have Happened To Our Country?

A week ago today, Wisconsin, very uncharacteristically from an historical perspective, exhibited a big fall-off in voters participation. In 2012, 3,068,434 people voted. This year it was just 2,944,620, fully 4% fewer. Trump is just over 25,000 votes ahead (with a whopping 152,943 3rd party votes (6.9%). In 2012, Obama won the state comfortably with a 6.9% margin.

People Steeped In Primitive Superstition, Ignorance, Fear And Bigotry Back Trump... By A Lot

No, they're not invited to Trump's "victory" party at the Hilton in NYC next weekIn The Atlantic this week, best-selling urban studies author Richard Florida is best known for his concept of the creative class and its implications for urban regeneration, compared states where science and technology are leading economic development to states where sc