Republican guard

US Certifies Iran’s Compliance With Nuclear Deal, Announces New Sanctions Next Day

An Iranian woman walks past a Sony dealer at a shopping center in downtown Tehran, Iran. (AP/Ebrahim Noroozi)
The United States announced new sanctions against Iran on Tuesday over its ballistic missile program and what it called Tehran’s support for terrorist groups in the Middle East.
The sanctions announced by the State Department target 18 individuals or entities described as supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program or the elite Republican Guard.

If Trump invades Syria, US troops will face elite Republican Guard brigades (VIDEO)

Launching missile salvos from warships hundreds of kilometers away from any danger is one thing, but if Donald Trump’s newly resurgent pro-regime change advisors really want to get rid of Assad, they will probably have to commit ground forces to do it.
For six years, none of the disparate western-backed Islamist militias, including ISIS, has been able to defeat the Syrian government, which is supported by Russian air forces and Iranian ground troops.