Republican civil war

The Coming Civil War-- Inside The Republican Party

If conservative Republican journalist Jennifer Rubin keeps attacking Trump so vociferously, the DCCC will soon recruit her to run for Congress-- or fellow Beltway journalists will rebrand her a rising star in the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination. after all, being against Señor Trumpanzee seems to trump any and all other qualities.

Both Political Parties Start The 2018 Primary Season Mired In Civil War

Instead of Heller vs Rosen, how about Sbaih vs Tarkanian?Yesterday, you may have seen that an American Research Group poll of likely presidential primary voters in New Hampshire showed that John Kasich leads Trump 52-40%. And if Trump is replaced by Pence, the news is even better for Kasich. In a 2-man head to head, Kasich leads Pence 41-27%.

Both Parties... Are Fumbling Around In The Dark Looking For An Identity

Fareed Zakaria had GOP establishment NY Times columnist David Brooks on his CNN show Sunday to talk about Señor Trumpanzee’s role within the conservative movement. I don’t know who watches Zakaria’s show-- no one I know-- but I bet there was a lot of teeth gnashing from Republicans when Zakaria opened the segment by setting up a comparison between Saint Ronnie and Trumpanzee. “Where does conservatism go from here?