Regime Change

Iran’s Protests: From Women’s Rights To Regime Change

What was originally a women’s rights cause inside the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has birthed an international neo-orientalist regime change movement and anyone denying this obvious reality is delusional. The ongoing protests and riots inside the Islamic Republic of Iran over the course of the past month have now somewhat simmered down Read More...

30 Dead In Iraq After Moqtada al-Sadr’s Militia Opens Fire On Security Forces

The Iraqi Capital, Baghdad, was once again turned into a war zone this Monday night, after militia groups aligned with popular Shia cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, opened fire on Iraqi security forces and attacked rival group offices. This Monday, supporters of Moqtada al-Sadr, took over the Baghdad ‘green zone’ area, occupying government buildings and chanting in Read More...

Pro-regime change journalist Shane Bauer files lawsuit seeking $10 million seized from Iran

Despite their professed opposition to US sanctions, Bauer and his fellow hikers-turned-cellmates stand to benefit handsomely from public assets plundered from Iran by the US government. Over a decade since he rose to prominence as a protagonist in an international drama of espionage and imprisonment, American journalist Shane Bauer and his family filed suit against Iran’s government in a Washington DC-based US District Court, seeking compensation for $10 million in damages resulting from his two year detention in Tehran. Bauer’s […]

Iraqi Parliament Stormed By “Anti-Iran Protesters” — What’s Really Going On?

On Wednesday Iraqi protesters, loyal to Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, stormed the nation’s parliament in protest of the nomination of Mohammed al-Sudani for Prime Minister. Reported by the Western media as a movement of the “masses”, were the protesters truly representative of a movement opposed to Iranian influence in Iraqi affairs as Western media suggest? Read More...

Leaked Docs: Facebook ‘Bot’ Adviser Secretly in Pay of US Regime Change Agency

U.K. intelligence-linked communication firm Valent has been advising Facebook on which accounts to ban for inauthentic behavior and on suspicions for being foreign-backed disinformation operations. But documents show that Valent itself is secretly funded by U.S. regime change organization USAID. This connection might explain the recent mass purgings from Sudanese and Ethiopian social media.

Mark Esper’s Tell-Some Reveals US Plans for War and Terror Against Venezuela

Such is the bipartisan consensus in Washington on Venezuela that carrying out wars, regime-change operations, terrorist attacks and assasination attempts against an elected foreign head of state have been ignored.
The post Mark Esper’s Tell-Some Reveals US Plans for War and Terror Against Venezuela appeared first on MintPress News.

Is The US Pressuring Jordan To Fall In Line With Its Regional Vision?

Jordan’s Prince Hamza bin Al-Hussein, the former Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom has relinquished his royal status in protest of the country’s current policies. Although this may seem harmless, the timing of the move may indeed say a lot about the meaning of such a move and what it signals for the future of Read More...

Not Just Azov: Documents Prove The CIA Has Been Cultivating Fascism In Ukraine Since At Least 1948

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/30/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...