record the police

Mainstream Media Finally Acknowledging Need for Citizen Journalists

To those of us that use critical thinking skills, it’s no secret that the corporate media lies. Mainstream media has, for years, been using their influence to sway elections, push products, and even help get murderers off. Well as long as those murderers are wearing badges, that is.
This “brainwash the masses” mindset  has created a rift in society that has spawned a new type of media. These citizen journalists have emerged as an “alternate” media that has gained tons of credibility by reporting the real stories with videos to back up claims of abuses.

Texas Cops and Paramedics Misapplying HIPAA Laws, Threatening Photographers With Arrest for Photographing Accident Victims

In life, there are questions which – no matter how many times you ask – simply cannot be answered. Who shot JFK?? Did men really walk on the moon?? Is there a God??
But when the question involves your civil liberties and possibly being arrested for taking photographs, there should be a clear-cut answer.
Our question for today is direct: