Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Le sultan-calife : Une réminiscence ottomane dans la Turquie contemporaine – par Eric Juillot

Atrabilaire et sanguin « Tout ce qu’on peut dire d’un chef d’État qui traite des millions de membres de communautés religieuses différentes de cette manière, c’est : allez d’abord faire des examens de santé mentale »[1] : c’est en ces termes injurieux que le président turc Erdogan a commenté, le 24 octobre dernier, la volonté du président […]

Turkey’s Recep Erdogan throws support behind Azerbaijan [Video]

Turkey’s leader Recep Erdogan is a problematic leader for both Russia and the United States. His country, Turkey is a NATO member. Yet Mr. Erdogan buys Russian weaponry against American wishes, and he is taking his country in an increasingly sectarian direction, recently getting the Hagia Sophia to restart services as a mosque (this is the Great Church of ancient Christianity).

EU Now Mulling Erdogan’s ‘Blackmail’ Move Over Syrian Refugees at the Greek Border, Ahead of Summit

What exactly are we witnessing on the Turkish Greek border with Syrian refugees arriving there? A failure in EU immigration and asylum policy coupled to another 20 year disaster, that of Turkey-EU relations? Or simply the relationship between the blackmailer and his victim coming to a head?