Rebirth of Fascism in Europe

The Rape of Ukraine: Phase Two Begins

This Drama is Far from Over-Further Wars as the Prime Instrument of Policy
The events in Ukraine since November 2013 are so astonishing as almost to defy belief. An legitimately-elected (said by all international monitors) Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich, has been driven from office, forced to flee as a war criminal after more than three months of violent protest and terrorist killings by so-called opposition.

Ukraine’s Sickness & Europe’s Cure

“The specter of profit-seeking financiers with dollar signs in their eyes is all the Ukrainian people can expect”
The situation in Ukraine is evolving by the hour.  Right wing ultranationalists and their “liberal” collaborators have taken control of the Rada (Ukrainian parliament) and deposed the democratically elected, though utterly corrupt and incompetent, President Yanukovich. 

Ukraine and the Rebirth of Fascism in Europe

“Buoyed by the continued support from the US and Europe, these fanatics represent a more serious threat to democracy than Yanukovich and the pro-Russian government ever could.”
The violence on the streets of Ukraine is far more than an expression of popular anger against a government.  Instead, it is merely the latest example of the rise of the most insidious form of fascism that Europe has seen since the fall of the Third Reich.