Randy Credico

Roger Stone Arrest: Trump Associate and Dirty Trickster Indicted by Special Counsel

LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA — In the early hours of Friday morning, the FBI arrested career ratfucker and one-time Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone. An indictment released by the special counsel’s office, which is investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, accuses Stone of committing several crimes, all of which occurred long after Stone left the campaign and nearly a year after Trump won the election.

A Doer of Good among Rats and Snakes: The Vindication of Activist and Journalist Randy Credico

MINNEAPOLIS — (Analysis) In case you missed it, last week the creator and producer of Empire Files, Abby Martin, released an in-depth interview with Randy Credico, a long-time activist and Julian Assange supporter who has been embroiled in the Mueller investigation ever since Nixon bagman Roger Stone fingered him as a back channel to WikiLeaks.

I'm Always Ready To Believe All The Worst About Trump, But This Randy Credico Stuff Strains Credulity, No?

Roger and Randy like a little publicityIf Trump’s legal team wanted to further discredit and undermine the Mueller investigation into Putin-Gate, they might drag lots of clowns onto the public stage to attempt to make a mockery of the whole thing. Maybe they could dig up some perennial candidate, a comedian and talk show host who says he can’t remember anything because he’s been so heavily medicated.