race to witch mountain

Black Op Radio episode 823

Tom Secker and I were recently guests on Len Osanic’s Black Op Radio. We discussed The CIA and Hollywood series and specifically our episode on The Quiet American and Edward Lansdale. We discuss the theory that Lansdale was acting as a former ad-executive and was attempting to sell war in South East Asia. Tom and I also talk about the CIA’s use of George Orwell as propaganda, Charlie Wilson, and why government interference in cinema and culture is so dangerous.

Pearse Redmond on Disney and The CIA – Our Interesting Times podcast

From Our Interesting Times:
Pearse Redmond of Porkins Policy Review returns to the show to discuss the 2016 Presidential race and his research regarding the Disney Corporation’s ties to the CIA. We talk about the assistance Disney received from Langley in building Disney World and the Magic Kingdom’s other connections to the intelligence community.

The CIA and Hollywood episode 13 Race to Witch Mountain

James Evan Pilato is our latest guest as we dissect the 2009 Disney UFO adventure Race to Witch Mountain.  We start off looking at Disney as a corporation – its long standing interest in UFOs and extraterrestrials, the connections to government agencies and their recent takeover of the fantasy genre.  We then get into Race to Witch Mountain itself – a strange blend of a kids’ movie, a love letter to the UFO culture and an homage to spy thrillers especially Enemy of the State.  Next, we examine the deliberately hyperreal natu