queen of torture

The CIA and Hollywood episode 14 Zero Dark Thirty

Robbie Martin is our final guest for this season as we dissect the 2012 docudrama Zero Dark Thirty. We discussed the difficulty in defining what kind of film this is – somewhere between a spy thriller, a documentary and a dry European art house movie. We get into the well-documented CIA support for the film and ask why this is the only major movie about the Abbottabad raid to get ‘Bin Laden’ and why it wasn’t particularly successful. Was the film meant to serve as a substitute for any real evidence of what happened in Abbottabad in 2011?

TOR Radio: Here’s What Will Set Newsbud Apart from Other Alternative Media Outlets (Pearse Redmond & Sibel Edmonds)

From Traces of Reality:
On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Sibel Edmonds, editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, and Pearse Redmond, host of Porkins Policy Radio, to discuss the new media venture Newsbud. Sibel, Pearse, and Guillermo explain what sets Newsbud apart from the rest of the alternative media, and why a 100 percent reader-supported outlet is vitally necessary in today’s media landscape.