
US Department of Justice Tells Judicial Watch it Can’t Produce Documents on Imran Awan Due to “Technical Difficulties”

Imran Awan and his brothers were paid millions of dollars for managing the IT for several Democratic officials and are suspected of hacking. Even though the DOJ agreed not to prosecute Imran Awan in 2017, Judicial Watch filed FOIA requests. The DOJ says it cannot comply due to "technical difficulties".

/POL/ Q Clearance Anon 4Chan #Happening Decoded in Full +++ (Half) – Jay Dyer

The rumor mill of 4Chan has speculated that I am a secret leaker and that the Trump Administration is about to bring the heat to the criminals. Is this “leak” real? In this talk I reverse engineer the “leak” to lead us in the accurate direction of what actually IS going on, long term. As such, Q functions as a lesson plan for real analysis.

NY Man Wins $4.5 Million Settlement After Being Wrongly Convicted By Dishonest Prosecution

Evidence shows that NYPD detectives colluded with prosecutors to falsely convict of a man of a deadly drive-by shooting in 1993.(AP/Mary Altaffer)
Ruddy Quezada, a 54-year-old man wrongfully convicted of a deadly drive-by shooting in 1993, has won a $4.5 million settlement from New York state, according to court papers.
Quezada spent 24 years in prison for murder before winning his freedom in 2015 when, after decades of failed appeals, the Brooklyn district attorney’s office conceded that prosecutors involved in his case had withheld critical evidence during his trial.

DOJ Drops Prosecution of Biggest Medical Marijuana Dispensary in US

On Tuesday, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped a 4-year-long effort to shut down Harborside Health Center in Oakland, California, the largest marijuana dispensary in the US.
Employee Derek Flores, right, waits for a patient at a display case at the Harborside Health Center in Oakland, Calif. The center will be one of the models for Maine’s first medical marijuana dispensaries. Credit: John Patriquin/Staff Photographer