
Work-From-Home Crackdown to Force Civil Servants Back to Office and End ‘Tuesday to Thursday’ Culture

Civil servants face a crackdown on working from home as ministers plan the end of the 'Tuesday to Thursday' office culture in Whitehall that is blamed for plummeting productivity since the pandemic.
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A Study Just Showed Why Working from Home Is Better Than Going into Work

(ANTIMEDIA) According to a new study, people who work from home are both more efficient at their jobs and better at collaborating with fellow employees. The data falls in line with other recent studies, which demonstrate that the once-common notion of remote workers eating potato chips in their pajamas may be quickly becoming a thing of the past.

Amazon is Testing a 30-Hour Work Week for Some Employees

A few lucky employees will soon get to have what so many workers only dream of: a shorter work week. [1]
The company is getting ready to launch a program that will have a few technical teams made up of employees who work just 30 hours a week, yet they will be salaried and will receive the same benefits as traditional 40-hour workers. Employees on the part-time team will make about 75% of what full-time Amazon workers make.