Prescott Bush

For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII

75 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War.
Today, as the world celebrates the 75th anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?
If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…

Why Assume There Will Be a 2020 election? General Butler and the ‘Wall Street Putsch’ Revisited

From the Strategic Culture Foundation
The upcoming American elections are just around the corner and everyone is wondering if the new president will be named Trump, Biden, Sanders or none of the above.
I can hear the incredulous reader exclaim: Wait, what does “none of the above” mean?? It’s certainly going to be one of those three isn’t it??

Some Republicanos Have A Plan To Win The Hispanic Vote: George P. Bush

George Prescott Bush shouldn't even exist. By all rights, his great grandfather, Prescott Bush, should have been tried for treason and executed for a Wall Street coup attempt against Franklin Roosevelt and for his simultaneous collaboration with Hitler. No Prescott, no George H.W. Bush and no Jeb Bush, George P's grandfather and father. But Prescott was rich, white and well-connected-- and got off almost scott free for his treason.