Pramila Jayapal

The House Passed 2 Important Bills Before Leaving Town-- One Good One And One Bad One... And Only The Bad One Will Become Law

Before rushing home for Christmas on Thursday, the House voted to pass Trump's NAFTA 2.0-- H.R. 5430-- (385-41) and voted to pass Tom Suozzi's Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act--H.R. 5377-- 218-206. Let's start with NAFTA 2.0. Hoyer introduced it and it was supported by 193 Democrats and 192 Republicans.

Do You Think That Trump Is The Only One Motivated By Corruption In The Battle Over Drug Prices? Wake Up

Medicare-for-All Will Never Pass And Drug Prices Will Remain High Until Pelosi And Wendell Primus Are Gone From CongressThe public-- Republicans, Democrats, Independents, non-voters-- everyone wants cheaper drug prices, but the prices continue to rise. The public wants Congress to do something about it. But nothing-- a whole lot of nothing-- is getting done. PhRMA charges what the market lets them get away with.

Did Republican Mega-Donor Gordon Sondland Hang Trump?

I don't know if Ambassador Gordon Sondland is going to turn out to be the John Dean of Trump's impeachment or not-- or if he's just the one who winds up putting Rudy Giuliani in prison-- but his testimony yesterday was pretty damning. Watch the quid pro quo segment above. Fox anchor Chris Wallace mentioned on Fox News-- so watched by Trump supporters living their bubble-- that Sondland "took out the bus and ran it over President Trump, Vice President Pence, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, Mick Mulvaney. He implicates all of them." That must be disturbing for them.

Americans Say They Want Fundamental Change To The Healthcare System-- But Do They Really?

Obamacare Repeal by Nancy OhanianIf you don't want any fundamental changes to the healthcare system, you have a choice of candidates to choose from. You can stick with Trump and pray he keeps failing to make it much worse. Or you can choose one of the timid corporate Democrats running on timid corporate platforms...

There Are Right Ways And Wrong Ways To Do Political Fundraising

This weekend you may well have gotten dozens of e-mails from candidates that start with this Beltway claptrap: "I wanted to let you know where we stand ahead of our important third-quarter filing with the FEC. Our Finance Director just let me know that we need to raise another $12,025 in online contributions by midnight on Sept. 30th.