Pramila Jayapal

It Looks Like Bernie Isn't Going To Be President, But He Is The Most Consequential Person In The Politics Of The American Left

Thursday evening Bernie did his first TV interview since dropping out and instead of going on TV with some hostile establishment shill he went on the air with MSNBC's savviest critical thinker and most reliable journalist, Chris Hayes. Talking about his discussions with Biden, Bernie said that Biden's "people are very smart and they understand that in order to beat somebody like Trump they're going to have to generate a lot of excitement, a lot of energy and reach out to people who have not necessarily been all that supportive of the vice president.

American Families Need Income During The Pandemic Trump Has Extended With His Early-- And Continuing-- Incompetence

Pramila Jayapal-- still moving the country forwardYesterday, the Congressional Progressive Caucus let Pelosi know what they expect to be included in the next federal COVID-19 relief package. Although Pelosi was once a co-founder and active member of the caucus-- and although it's the biggest of the Democratic groupings in Congress-- Pelosi pays far more attention to what the Blue Dogs and New Dems want than what th

DCCC Plan To Destroy Progressive Campaigns Fails Miserably As Cheri Bustos' Favorite Blue Dog Goes Down To Defeat

On Tuesday, the primary in Illinois' third congressional showed the failure of Cheri Bustos' toxic plan to defeat progressive challenges to Blue Dog incumbents who are out of sync with their constituents. Anti-Choice, anti-healthcare, homophobic, anti-immigrant conservative Blue Dog/New Dem Dan Lipinski was beaten by progressive candidate Marie Newman.

How's Your Buying Power Lately?

The stock market continues to soar. My financial advisor ignores me when I wring my hands and tell her to change my asset allocation so that I have less stock. By ignoring me, she's brought me a lot more money. But I would just feel so much safer in more bonds and real estate and less sticks. Because, everyone knows this asshole is going to crash the market at some point.

52 Senate Republicans Are Both Political Cowards And Willing To Put Their Dying Party Over The Country And The People

-by Chip ProserThe 3 Senate Democrats-- Doug Jones (AL), Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)-- who seemed up-in-the-air about the impeachment vote, all voted "guilty," as did Republican Mitt Romney (UT). Why didn't more Republicans do what they knew was right? Just going by what they've said publicly-- certainly Susan Collins (ME), Lamar Alexander (TN), Ben Sasse (NE), Rob Portman (OH) and Lisa (AK)-- we know they knew full well what Trump is.