
Why 25,000 Detroit Residents Will Soon Have Their Water Turned Off

The city of Detroit may be bankrupt financially, but moral bankruptcy abounds as well as city officials began handing out notices to as many as 25,000 residents to tell them that they have ten days to pay or their taps will be turned off.
“We want the water shut-offs to end. Period. End of story,” says DeMeeko Williams of the Detroit Water Brigade.

PPR political cartoon # 6 “Inside Bilderberg 2014″

“This is for all of us poor people that were not invited to participate in this years Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen.”
The PPR political cartoon is finally back.  For this special Bilderberg edition we have a gorgeous 6 panel comic.  If you enjoy the PPR Political Cartoon then please visit my sister Emma’s  website Red House for more artwork.

PPR political cartoon # 6 “Inside Bilderberg 2014″

“This is for all of us poor people that were not invited to participate in this years Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen.”
The PPR political cartoon is finally back.  For this special Bilderberg edition we have a gorgeous 6 panel comic.  If you enjoy the PPR Political Cartoon then please visit my sister Emma’s  website Red House for more artwork.