
Are the Wheels Coming Off in the Democratic Primary? A Roundup.

Carl Bernstein explains why the White House is "horrified" at the state of the Clinton campaign, which they (and Bernstein) favor.by Gaius PubliusThis is a roundup of recent pieces with a common theme — the wheels may be coming off the effort to keep the insider game alive on the Democratic side. Note, for example, in the Bernstein portion, the great concern by the White House that Hillary may not be able to take the crown.I didn't expect to see this explosion of concern. Putting all this in one place makes interesting reading. I do encourage clicking through.

Sanders: "Clinton is Right, Electability Is Enormously Important, and We Are the Campaign That’s Going to Win"

A nice reminder: Bernie Sanders' classic 2003 take-down of Alan Greenspan. The phrase to watch from Greenspan is "wealth-creation." He means billionaire wealth, of course.by Gaius PubliusLast summer I wrote a piece entitled "The Clinton Campaign Notices the Sanders Campaign." I could have titled this one, "The Sanders Campaign Notices the Sanders Campaign," meaning, publicly points out their own real strength.