
EU Court Shoots Down Challenge To Greece’s Ban On Political Polling

The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday tossed a challenge to a Greek ban on political polling 15 days before an election, finding voters aren’t harmed by the law.
Five Greek nationals took their government to the EU’s human rights court over the 2009 re-enactment of a law banning all political polling – and the media’s dissemination of poll results to the public – 15 days prior to parliamentary or EU elections. Failure to comply with the law results in fines ranging from $36,000 to $360,000.

Polls Are Delivering A Clear Message To Democratic Primary Voters-- Nominating Hillary Puts America At Too Big A Risk

Yesterday, Democratic primary voters in another state swung heavily for Bernie and against the conservative candidate of the status quo and of the Wall Street/K Street axis of plutocracy. Bernie beat her in West Virginia 51.4-36.0%, and winning every single county in the state, although she did OK in the two counties that are considered DC suburbs, Jefferson and Berekley.

Wisconsin Voters Overwhelmingly Prefer Russ Feingold To GOP Extremist Ron Johnson

I've been meaning to get around to this all week. It's another poll-- but not one about Trump or Hillary or Dr. Ben. Republicans have been trying to rile up their brain-dead base with horrible stories of terrorists coming to get them. How many times in their now boring debates have you heard talk about Christians being crucified and innocents being beheaded? But this is starting to wear thin, even to the poor deluded souls who admit that they're Republicans.

How Long Will Trump Stay In The Race As He Tumbles Down The Polling Charts... And That SuperPAC Of His?

Yesterday everyone was so obsessed with the clowns like Pompeo, Roby, Westmoreland and, of course, Gowdy, trying to demonize Hillary Clinton, that the poll of Iowa Republicans that Quinnipiac released in the morning was nearly overlooked. But it shouldn't be because it may mean something... something special.