
Many Candidates Will Drop Out March 4-- Day After Super Tuesday (Alabama, Arkansas, CALIFORNIA, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia)

This cycle, California will have a huge role in determining who becomes president. It will also determine which candidates keep competing for the nomination after the March 3rd primary-- Super-Tuesday. It would be hard to imagine, for example, that Kamala Harris will keep going if she does badly in California. And what about Beto and Castro? Texas votes the same day.

Prognosticators Have Never Learned How To Rate Races In A Wave Election-- And Pollsters Can't Get Their Models Straight

Polls are all based on "likely voters." A campaign manager I was talking to last week was in a rush because he was still dragging homeless people onto buses to feed them sandwiches, etc and get them to the early voting stations. Over a thousand. Likely voters? Not a chance. Early voting shows "unexpected" upturns for women voters, black voters, Latino voters and millennials voters. How many extra seats is that worth to the Democrats beyond what the pollsters and prognosticators predicted? 10? 20?

An Anti-Red Wave Is Far More Likely Than A Blue Wave-- And That's Mostly What We're Seeing

The same clowns who didn't see a that Ocasio was about to eviscerate Crowley don't even understand that WI-01 is a key House race. Credibility: zeroRecently, Bill Maher invited Lawrence O'Donnell on his show to talk about Deadly Force a book he wrote in 1983 but that is about to be re-released with a new preface and afterward.

AIPAC Funds and Bogus Polling Paved the Way for Trump’s Muslim Ban

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court today upheld the White House’s controversial decision to impose limits on travel from several Muslim majority countries. Coverage of the decision will, no doubt, frame the court’s ruling as a major win for the White House and Donald Trump’s ability to deliver on his hardline campaign promises to strengthen border security.
But a lesser-known individual played an outsized role in the Muslim travel ban.

Around A Third Of Americans Say Trump Is Honest

Trump vowed to the morons who voted for him to eliminate the carried interest loophole but he didn't-- and no one who voted for him is sharp enough to understand what it is anywayCharlie Dent (R-PA) isn’t running for reelection, in part because he hates Congress’ partisan gridlock, detests Trump and because, as he told Mary Bruce on This Week yesterday, because his party is “alienating” mainstream voters.