
A Bipartisan Majority of Americans Believe the “Deep State” Is Running the Country

For the past two years, the long-running narrative, at least that promulgated by the mainstream media which continues to “explain away” Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump, is that Americans had fallen for a massive, long-running fake news scam (in part aided and abetted by the likes of Facebook), which boosted Trump’s popularity at the expense of Hillary’s as part of some giant “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin (which Mueller was supposed to uncover, but has instead shifted to 

Fox News cherry picks a poll and gets it quite wrong

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson gave a news brief saying that a USA Today / Suffolk University poll taken between February 20 and 24, 2018 reveals that on the list of priority concerns to Americans, the matter of Russia, particularly the matter of any election “interference” or “collusion” with the campaign now-president Donald Trump, is about as low as it can be. The reference that Mr. Carson used is show in this question, taken from the poll itself:

Under Trump, US Favorability Rating Plummets to Historic Low

The US is usually number 1 in the German research firm Gfk’s rankings, headed up by political consultant Simon Anholt. They ask some 22,000 people around the world to rank countries on six scales.
This year it fell five full places to number 6. No such fall has taken place since 2004, when Americans elected George W. Bush to a second term. And in the past, falls only lasted for a year.

Poll: Americans Would Cut Middle East War Spending

On November 3, professor John Mearsheimer made a short and stunning presentation at “U.S. Foreign Policy in the Trump Era: Can Realism and Restraint Prevail?” conference held at George Washington University in Washington, DC. In the unipolar world after the collapse of the Soviet Union, he claimed, realists urged nonintervention and staying out of conflicts and countries that “really don’t matter much.”