politically correct

Culture Wars: What is ‘The Successor Ideology’?

From the Manhattan Institute
What do young progressives believe? In the popular vernacular, they are described as “liberals” or “leftists,” but these familiar labels obscure what is novel about the ideology many young activists are trying to advance in our universities, cultural institutions, media outlets, and even corporations. On issues of race, diversity, gender, and sexual expression these activists have made a clean break with their liberal forebearers.

Cancel Culture: Gad Saad on the Pathology Identity Politics and Postmodernist Thinking

Not a day goes by that someone is not being deplatformed or “canceled” due to some politically incorrect comment or social media post. We are now reaching an apogee of intolerance in society – where the the boundaries are rapidly narrowing regarding what can and can’t be said publicly (or even privately) without the threat of reprisal. Is post-Enlightenment western society now regressing backwards? What is the end game of the postmodernists?

When Is It ‘Politically Correct’ to Be Politically Correct?

[Prefatory Note: A slightly modified text of an opinion piece that was published as an editorial on Oct. 21st in TMS (Transcend Media Service). If you unfamiliar with TMS, I highly recommend it. I find it the best source of intelligent and progressive commentary on a wide range of peace and justice related concerns. TMS is circulated on a weekly basis free of charge to subscribers. The weekly selections are expertly and sensitively selected by Antonio C. S. Rosa.]

VIDEO: ‘Censored! Things You’re NOT Allowed To Say Anymore’

JoyCamp says:
“This is a PSA (Progressive Service Announcement). JoyCamp has compiled a comprehensive list of words, phrases and “microaggressions” you’re NOT allowed to say anymore. Watch the video to ensure that you are able to protect yourself from saying the wrong thing! Then share it with your friends to keep them out of trouble as well.”

Why Inciting Emotions and Playing Political ID Games are Counterproductive

Teodrose Fikre
21st Century Wire
I must say this from the outset, this article is not meant to, in any way, diminish the pains and suffering felt by marginalized groups throughout America and beyond. Neither is my aim to preach compliance in the face of injustice or to tell people to be silent given the pervasive iniquities of our time.

US Women’s March implodes upon itself [Video]

If this doesn’t make your head spin, perhaps you are either dead, or sufficiently “woke.” The Humboldt County Annual Women’s March, set for January 19th of this year got canceled because it was “too white.”
Yes. Too white. This is a county in Northern California, 270 miles north of San Francisco. According to the Wikipedia entry, on this locale, the 2016 census gave this demographic result.

The America I Once Knew

The vast majority of baby boomers believe that they grew up in a free country. Was it free? Is it free? It has been said: “America is a free country… until you read the fine print!”
To be fair, freedom in every country is conditional, with the conditions stipulated in footnotes that can take up most of the page. The 1960s generation in the USSR, had little doubt that the USSR was a free country, outside of obvious restrictions like those imposed on travel abroad, restrictions that were easily explained by way of Uncle Sam’s imperialism and related connivances.

INTERVIEW: GQ Magazine’s Vain Attempt to Frame Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, and a clinical psychologist and author of the multi-million copy bestseller 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, #1 for nonfiction in 2018  in the US and worldwide. Recently, the progressive establishment deployed one of its top media operatives who tries to bracket Peterson with the extreme right-wing and other political pariahs. The results were stunning.