Newsbud Exclusive- “Neocons & Democrats Reunite as War on Russia Intensifies!”_

Perturbed by the outlier Donald Trump, Democrats have circled the wagons and reunited with Bush era neocons under the banner of the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), a project sponsored by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The organization’s mission is predicated on a baseless presumption that has gone viral—Vladimir Putin and the Russians are actively involved in a nefarious plot to undermine democracy in America and Europe.

How the Illuminati Control Culture – Full Spectrum Dominance: Jay Dyer

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What is full spectrum dominance and where did it originate? How can we discern this overriding strategy at work in the cultural mayhem that seems global. From domestic revolutions to ‘soft power’ coups in other nations, the model of the RAND Corporation, the Neo Cons and the Pentagon is fluid and consistent over the last several decades.

Die NZZ und das New American Century

2010 schrieb der heutige NZZ-Chef­re­dakteur und vor­ma­lige NZZ-Aus­lands­chef Eric Gujer ein Buch über den War on Terror zu­sammen mit Gary J. Schmitt, dem ehe­ma­li­gen Dir­ektor des Project for the New American Century (PNAC). PNAC wurde 1997 von füh­ren­den Neo­kon­ser­va­ti­ven ge­gründet, darunter Dick Cheney. Die Gruppe for­derte die weltweite Prädominanz der USA und anti­zi­pierte be­reits im... Continue Reading →

Two Uninspiring Choices

Government sometimes seems the employer of last resort By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • February 14, 2017 We live in a political environment where nothing is any longer real. Allegedly apolitical Amnesty International issues a 48 page report stating that 13,000 political prisoners have been hanged in Syrian government prisons “a crime against humanity” […]