
Trumpanzee Makes His Move Against The Florida GOP Establishment-- Endorses A Neo-Fascist For Governor

Suppose you found yourself in charge-- for a week. One week to clean up America. Would shooting plutocrats Sheldon Adelson, Rebekah (and Robert) Mercer and Foster Friess be part of the plan? (We’ll leave the Koch brothers out of this for a moment, because this post isn’t really about shooting anyone.)Who remembers when Adam “Howdy Doody” Putnam retired from Congress in 2009? Little Howdy Doody had one dream… to be governor of Florida.

Forget Gentrification-- Our Great Cities Are Being Afflicted With Full-On Plutocratization

The new issue of the Harvard Business Review carried an adaptation by urbanologist Richard Florida from his new book, The New Urban Crisis, warning about "a sterile sameness" that's been hard to miss taking over cities we all used to love and feel inspired by. I don't think Florida is as worried about it as I am...

Donald Trump Warned Of A ‘Rigged’ Election, Was He Right?

Voters cast their ballots at Cynthia Mann Elementary School in Boise, Idaho, on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. (AP/Otto Kitsinger)
SANTA CRUZ, California — (Insights) Whether viewed in terms of outcome or of process, the story of the 2016 presidential election is one so grim that it calls for a trigger warning for anyone of ethical sensibilities or faith in the workings of democracy.

Fred Upton And Richard Nixon Never Served In Congress Together, But...

There is no better example in Congress of America's descent into plutocracy than southwest Michigan's 15-term Republican incumbent, Fred Upton. He was born into one of the state's wealthiest families and he has served the interests of his class-- and exclusively those interests-- since first getting into Congress in the 1980s. Blue America is supporting Paul Clements to replace Upton and his new TV ad (above) delineates the Upton policies to this day that have marked him as the servant of plutocracy.

Do You Back Plutocracy? Meet Randy Perkins, The DCCC's Worst Florida Pick Of 2016

DCCC found another rich crook to shove down Democrats' throatsWe've been writing a lot about Thomas Frank's thesis that the Democratic Party, institutionally-speaking, has abandoned the working class and transmogrified itself into a Republican-lite party that represents the interests of the professional class--as he calls it, "the top 10%." We've been making the point for almost a decade that the DCCC-- starting with Rahm Emanuel but accelerating