Pew Research Center

Majority of Mexicans See United States as Greatest Threat, New Poll Shows

A poll published last week by the Pew Research Center shows that 56 percent of Mexicans view the United States as the greatest threat to their country. Russia and China came an extremely distant second and third, with six and five percent respectively. Thus, of the 195 states recognized by the United Nations, most Mexicans identified just one as a real danger.

A Wicked Cocktail of Corporate Greed, Social Media and Opioids Is Slashing U.S. Life Expectancy Rates

Following decades of increased life expectancy rates, Americans have been dying earlier for three consecutive years since 2014, turning the elusive quest for the ‘American Dream’ into a real-life nightmare for many. Corporate America must accept some portion of the blame for the looming disaster.
Something is killing Americans and researchers have yet to find the culprit. But we can risk some intuitive guesses.