
Study: Your Dog LOVES You and Prefers Praise over Food

Have you ever wondered if your dog actually loved you, or was just in it for the food? A team of researchers at Emory University in Atlanta recently conducted a study to find out the answer.
The researchers found that dogs actually do prefer the praise of their owner over food, showing that your dog actually does have a bond with you that’s a little deeper than the treats you hand out. In some cases, however, dogs did like both equally.

Flea from Lake Tahoe Area Tests Positive for Plague

If you plan on visiting Lake Tahoe (a large freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada of the U.S.) anytime in the near future, you might want to make sure you’re thoroughly covered up and wearing some sort of natural insect repellent. A flea from a yellow chipmunk in the area tested positive for plague, the U.S. Forest Service announced June 6.

How to Keep Ticks off of You, and Get Rid of Them if Needed

I used to live in the middle of nowhere, and my neighbors and I were constantly picking ticks off of our pets. When you think about ticks, you associate them with living in the woods. But these Lyme-disease carriers are everywhere. Whether you’re hiking through the wilderness or yanking weeds out of your backyard garden, there could be a tick nearby, eyeing you up like a juicy burger.
Do you know how to handle finding a tick on your clothes? Let’s test your knowledge with a little quiz.
You find a tick on your pant leg. You should:

How Fleas are Becoming Chemical-Resistant Mutants

If you think fleas are annoying now, hold onto your collars; experts are warning that the little nuisances are becoming resistant to the popular flea control products that pet owners turn to in order to keep their little buddies itch-free.
Veterinarians are telling pet owners that flea treatments like Advantage and Frontline are a waste of money because they’re no longer effective at getting rid of fleas and keeping them away. The bugs have mutated in order to survive, it seems. [1]

10 of the Filthiest Items in Your Home

Between flushing the toilet and spitting in the sink, it’s a given that your bathroom is crawling with germs. But you might be surprised to know that your toilet isn’t the most contaminated thing in your home.
Don’t be surprised if you feel a little sick after you look at this list of the most bacteria-, mold- and yeast-prone places and items in your house.

Culture Watch: Are selfie-maniacs propelling a sharp rise in homelessness among black cats?

"Many pet owners apparently complained when dropping the cats off at the shelter that they didn't show up well in pictures, and prospective owners at the shelter requested to meet cats that were any color other than black."by KenAnother fine and alarming Culture Watch catch from Claire Hannum at The Frisky, who previously turned us on to those creepy cat-shaped marshmallows and the po