
Chickens and Bugs Replace Pesticides, Herbicides for Some Farmers

Rather than turning to toxic chemicals to rid farm fields of destructive insects and noxious weeds, some farmers in Missouri are recruiting chickens and bugs to do the job for them.
The 40 acres of land purchased by Gary Wenig and his wife to grow organic crops were initially overrun by weeds and insects. In order to grow truly organic plants, the couple had to eschew products like Roundup and atrazine. Synthetic pesticides are permitted for organic growing, but they’re expensive and can still be toxic.

Experimental GMO Wheat Crop Fails to Deter Pests

Biotech’s claims that genetically modified crops are more resistant to bugs seem to be dismissed like yesterday’s pastries, especially when their crops so obviously fail to deliver on the promise. So why are farmers still planting GM seed?
In a recent biotech debacle, a UK-based biotech company wasted over $5 million on an experimental GM wheat trial.

Trial: Pesticide-Producing GMO Wheat Fails to Deter Pests

The incompetence of biotech is reaching new heights as their genetically modified universe is crumbles faster than companies can come up with another freakish altered food or insect. Now, after spending millions, they are finding that a type of GM wheat developed in the UK to produce an odor that repels aphids is failing. This time, the results are creating quite a stink.