Perpetual War

The Deep State Plan to Attack Iran

The Deep State—the merchants of death, the bankers, the national security apparatus and its think tanks—will eventually have its next war. President Donald Trump is setting the stage, despite his promise to rollback interventionism and illegal and unconstitutional wars. On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the effort to nullify the Iran nuke deal and move toward confrontation. The Deep State—the shadow government, the global elite, the money masters behind the curtain, take your pick—can only sustain itself through war and the conquest of natural resources, primarily oil.

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Any Opposition to Endless Afghan War?

Peter B. Collins Presents David Swanson
With Obama’s about-face on withdrawing almost all American troops from Afghanistan, the reaction of most Americans seems to be “Whatever”. The new non-exit plan is Obama’s 5th or 6th in 7 years, and David Swanson is one of the few voices demanding a complete withdrawal now. We discuss how Obama has created the perception that he has ended the Afghan war, and despite the recent events at the hospital in Kunduz, most Americans and elected officials are passive in the face of this perpetual war.