Pension Reform

Temer’s pension reforms face stiff opposition

Brazil’s unions have planned a day of struggle to protest Temer’s proposed social security reform bill. The president is already very unpopular in Brazil; polls show voters want him to be accountable for alleged corruption [Xinhua]
Brazilian President Michel Temer is facing a tide of opposition regarding his promise to reform the social security program.
Many among his supporters see the reform initiative as damaging to their relection bids in the general election next October.

Preventing Genocide In America And Europe Requires Pension Reform

If we do not get Pension Reform done right, we will be losing tens of millions of Canadians, Americans and Europeans over 40 years of age to starvation and healthcare Death Panels.  Depressions are caused by the accumulation of Unpayable Debts through fractional reserve banking and the charging of interest on money created out of nothing by bankers. There are three ways out of a Depression. One is by Hyperinflation (Weimar Republic). Another is bankruptcy and default on bad debts (US 1930s). A third way is to systematically cancel bad debts on a scientific basis.