Pelosi's failed speakership

Pelosi's Jihad Against Progressive Ideas And Progressive Leaders

I've been talking to an increasing number of progressive candidates for Congress who have told me that they have no intention of voting for Pelosi as speaker in 2021. Flagstaff progressive and AZ-01 congressional candidate Eva Putzova head it right on the head: "If we are going to address climate and healthcare crises and inequality, we need leaders who understand that yesterday's politics won't work.

Only Pelosi-- Not McConnell and Not Trump-- Is Keeping An Assault Weapons Sales Ban From Passing The House

 A plurality of grassroots Democrats prefer AOC to Pelosi as party leader, according the a new pollYesterday, commenting on the House Dems' absurd impeachment shit-show being orchestrated by Pelosi and Nadler, a former top Capitol Hill staffer, wrote privately that "This is not just a disaster, but is starting to make me question the baseline, fundamental values of our leaders and THEIR commitment to the rule of law

Who Would Have Ever Imagined That Nancy Pelosi Would Go Down In History As One Of The Worst Speakers Ever-- If She Resigned Tomorrow It Would Not Be Soon Enough

According to strange #NeverTrump Republican Andrew Sullivan, in his New York Magazine column Friday, many voters who are not Democrats may have "voted for the Democrats last fall because we wanted a serious check on President Trump’s intensifying authoritarianism.