Paul Waldman

Herr Trumpf Says Stupid Things But His Strategy Is Far From Stupid

Do you think Herr is astute and knowledgeable about politics? He can't just be a fatuous buffoon who touched a nerve and is stumbling into the presidency, can he be? Or a Bill Clinton plant giving Hillary her only reasonable pathway to the White House? On State of the Union yesterday, Jake Tapper asked him if he's concerned that the GOP establishment will be able to steal the election away from him at the convention.

GOP Nomination Fight-- How Do You Keep Track Who The Biggest Freak Or Clown Of The Day Actually Is?

Carly: "Politics is a fact-free zone"Rand Paul's now infamous rant and meme the other day about Trump being a "clown" who is "unfit" to be president followed a similar screed by Marco Rubio that Trump's campaign was nothing more than a "freak show." Both senators were correct, of course, but either could have been just as easily referring to another self-serving/self-entitled GOP multimillionaire with grand political ambitions: failed business executive and p

There's Got To Be More To Carly Fiorina Than Just Trying To Tell Bigger, More Bombastic Lies Than Donald Trump, No?

Rand Paul's now infamous rant and meme the other day about Trump being a "clown" who is "unfit" to be president, followed a similar screed by Marco Rubio that Trump's campaign was nothing more than a "freak show." Both senators were correct, of course, but either could have been just as easily referring to another self-serving/self-entitled GOP multimillionaire with grand political ambitions: failed business executive and professional victim, Carly Fiorina.

Will Walker's Latest Clueless Attack On Unions Signal The Death Knell For A Campaign That Has Already Capsized?

Once the Koch brothers struck a deal with Sheldon Adelson that his boy Marco Rubio could be the vice presidential nominee, it looked like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker would be able to overcome Jeb Bush and be the Republicans' candidate for president. Things didn't quite work out as planned.

Greg Sargent looks at the real story of widespread compliance with the Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage

The great Mike Luckovich drew this glorious cartoon back when legalized same-sex marriage came to Massachusetts. As marriage equality gradually (but, in the grand scheme of things, remarkably rapidly) became the law of the land, homophobes surely continue to wish desperately that same-sex couples would "act a little scarier.""Given that the ruling happened only a couple of months ago, things are going exceedingly smoothly.

Despite the Supreme Court's latest high five to the voter-suppressionistas, Paul Waldman suggests that "the war over voting isn't over"

Are you gonna tell me that Justice "Sammy the Hammer" isn't imagining himself as a robed superhero flying from polling place to polling place beating back hordes of riffraff he thinks of only as "them"?by KenAs we know, the Supreme Court normally doesn't say anything when it chooses to accept or reject a case being appealed to it, and sometimes one is grateful for the silence -- when it means that we're spared more of this Court's now-all-too-familiar bullshit.

Is there anything useful to be said about the really-not-controversial controversy over children's vaccinations?

Governor Krispy, arriving with his wife Mary Pat for lunch with Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne on Tuesday, was finally a little less KenI've been thinking we really have to say something about the vaccination scandal, but what? We could point out that the pandering to ignorance and hysteria being indulged in by candidates like the GOP's Kris Krispy and Rand Paul is beneath contempt.