
UK Media investigates Clintons & Epstein. Virginia Giuffre exposes Andrew & Maxwell (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the BBC Panorama interview of Virginia Giuffre who says Epstein trafficked her to the Prince Andrew, bringing her to London in 2001 when she was 17-years-old.
Ghislaine Maxwell was also accused of being Epstein’s handler during the interview. Guiffre has called on the British public to “stand up beside me” in a BBC interview.

Deconstructing British anti-Russian propaganda: the parallel universe of the BBC

This article was first published by the Off-Guardian, written by their writer Kit, and is republished with their permission.
(The Duran is republishing in its entirety this article with the kind permission of The Off-Guardian since it is one of the best deconstructions of an anti-Russian programme of a sort which is now typical on mainstream television in the West. 

Email to Emily Thornberry: BBC Panorama crew ensconced with al-Qaeda linked jihadi group

Robert Stuart has been single-handedly undertaking ‘analysis of the 30 September 2013 BBC Panorama documentary ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ and related BBC News reports, contending that sequences filmed by BBC personnel and others at Atareb Hospital, Aleppo on 26 August 2013 purporting to show the aftermath of an incendiary bomb attack on a school in Urm Al-Kubra are largely, if not […]

Ursula Haverbeck, 87 ans, est condamnée à dix mois de prison ferme

Le 16 décembre 2014, j'avais consacré à Frau Ursula Haverbeck, « la grande dame allemande », un article intitulé « Une grande dame allemande ouvre la boîte noire de l'"Holocauste" ».Agée de 87 ans, elle vient d'être condamnée par un tribunal de Hambourg à une peine de dix mois de prison ferme en raison d'une interview accordée à l'émission télévisuelle Panorama où, d'emblée, il se trouve qu'elle a prononcé mon nom.Elle a assuré sa propre défense sans recours à un avocat. Le président du tribunal