Palestinian resistance

Israel’s descent into unmasked, right wing extremism: A new generation rises to fight occupation, settler-colonialism, apartheid

Hundreds of Jewish protesters tried to block Greek Orthodox Christians from entering King David’s Tomb in the Old City of Jerusalem The site also is sacred to Christians who believe that Jesus' Last Supper took place on the second floor of the tomb. Getty Images


This Palestinian resistance is a spontaneous reaction to the most racist, far-right government in Israel’s history


PA security forces working for the Zionist project, choking the resistance in Palestine

 Palestinian security forces fire tear gas towards Palestinian stone throwing demonstrators as they block them from heading towards an Israeli check point in the center of the West Bank town of Hebron on August 22, 2014, durung clashes following a protest to show support for Palestinian militants fighting against the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.

150,000 march in biggest London rally yet for Gaza

Oxford Circus, London (Getty Images)

“Israel is in illegal occupation of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel has no right to defend itself from territories it occupies. It only has an obligation to withdraw. The Palestinians are an occupied people. They have a right to defend themselves from the occupier.”…….. Seamus Milne, Guardian columnist and associate editor


Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free

Palestinians have done it all. We choose resistance, always, in all its forms. We resist because it is our right. Because we are the indigenous people of the land and we have nowhere else to go or belong. Because our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and on and on are buried in this soil. Because we are right and our cause is just.  We resist passively and actively. We resist violently and non-violently.

Rejecting victimhood: the case for Palestinian resistance

‘We die like trees, standing up’. Courtesy of the artist Nidal El Khairy.

 Seeing rocket fire from Gaza as a counter-discourse. This method of resistance is less about fatalities than undermining privilege structures in an anti-colonial context.