oxidative stress

Fend off Illness by Fueling Your Own Disease-Fighting Stem Cells

The popular view of stem cells is typically that of high-tech treatments reserved for “the future,” far-off foreign clinics the “authorities” usually tell us to avoid. But there is being a lot of progress in the stem cell world for treating numerous conditions. What’s more, studies are showing that we may be able to harness the power of our own stem cells, using nutrients that are already accessible in ways that are more in line with traditional natural medicine than science fiction.

Another Pitfall of the Plastic Chemical BPA: Asthma

If it’s legal, it must be safe, right? Actually, not always. One of the many chemicals deemed legal to use in manufacturing, bisphenol-a (BPA), is contributing to changes in these social attitudes. BPA is an increasingly unpopular chemical, with many companies using the phrase “BPA-free” as selling points for their products. The most well-known effect of BPA exposure may be hormone disruption, but did you know that BPA may also increase the risk of asthma?

Schizophrenia and Autism Linked to Low Levels of B12 in the Brain

Researchers have found a common denominator in the brains of people with schizophrenia and autism: low levels of vitamin B12.
For the study, researchers examined the brains of those who have already passed away, with age ranging from the beginning of birth to 80 years old. Researchers found that vitamin B12 levels were 10 times lower in the oldest people compared with the youngest, indicating that levels decline consistently over the course of many years.

Scientists are Developing Disease-Fighting Beer…in the Lab

Beer is loaded with carbohydrates that can make you fat – everyone knows this. We even have a name for the distended stomachs of heavy beer drinkers: “beer bellies.” It’s the sort of beverage that the weight-conscious person or diabetic individual either avoids entirely or enjoys only once in a great while.
But what if a brewsky could fight disease?
Actually, beer has numerous health benefits, but scientists are working to emphasize the healthful properties in the alcoholic beverage that offer those benefits.