Ottoman Empire

Disturbing images emerge of torture in ‘liberated’ Iraq

Contrary to Iraqi state propaganda and the statements of those hoping against hope that Iraq might at some point recover from decades of war and chaos, the sectarianism unleashed by George W. Bush and Tony Blair’s war on Iraq in 2003 continues to dictate events in the ravaged nation.
In February of 1963, the Ramadan Revolution brought the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party to power in Iraq for the first time. The next month, the March 8 Revolution in neighbouring Syria brought the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party to power in Damascus.

Erdogan makes urgent phone call to Putin and Gulf leaders

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made urgent phone calls to world leaders in an attempt to use his position to resole the current Qatar crisis in which Saudi Arabia led the charge to totally isolate the small Gulf state.
The UAE, Bahrain, Hadi government in Yemen, Tobruk government in Libya, the Asian Republic of Maldives and perhaps most importantly, the largest Arab state, Egypt have all severed all diplomatic and business ties with Qatar. Qatar’s neighbours have also started to close off land and sea routes to Qatar.

What Geert Wilders and the Ottomans have in common

Upon the break-up of The Beatles, John Lennon wrote a song called God, a kind of pessimistic surrender to nihilism after the idealism of his quests for spiritual fulfilment and his idealistic Beatles years, came to an end at the same time.
The Netherlands, the culture that once sheltered Spinoza and the first western European society to embrace the idea of freedom of religion, has now surrendered to nihilism.

Geert Wilders is not a conservative, he is a radical liberal

For many years Geert Wilders has been an eye-catching figure in Dutch politics, but it is only this year that his Party of Freedom stands a real chance of winning big in the forthcoming Parliamentary elections.
The biggest problem with Wilders is not Wilders himself, but the total distortion of his politics by the mainstream media. He’s been called everything from a conservative to an ultra-conservative, to a far-right leader, but this is certainly not the case. Wilders is none of those things.