The West Suppresses Report on Ukraine’s Suppression of Journalists

OSCE Squelches Ukrainian Commission on Human Rights Speaker By Eric Zuesse | Aletho News | September 23, 2015 At a 21 September 2015 meeting of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), which is run by the Western powers and which is the leading organization concerning security and cooperation in Europe, a courageous […]

OSCE Shamed for Not Reporting Kiev’s Atrocities in Donbass

Sputnik – 06.08.2015 Hundreds of people gathered outside the OSCE office in Donetsk, demanding unbiased monitoring of the humanitarian situation in the region. “Your silence is killing children”, read one of the many posters held by the protesters. Several OSCE representatives came out to meet the protesters but refrained from making any comments. “If only […]

Kiev in violation of heavy weaponry clause in E. Ukraine – OSCE

RT | July 4, 2015 The OSCE has warned that a growing presence of heavy weaponry on the government controlled side of Donbass territory has put Ukrainian security forces in violation of the terms of the demarcation line, according to OSCE Deputy Chief Monitor Alexander Hug. “We can highlight that the security situation has gotten […]

Russia won’t go to OSCE parliamentary session in Helsinki – Duma speaker

RT | July 1, 2015 Sergey Naryshkin says the refusal to participate in the forthcoming OSCE session was meant as a protest against arbitrariness and violations of main principles of democracy and parliamentary politics. The State Duma chairman announced the decision to skip the Helsinki session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe […]

Porkins Great Game ep. 8 Proxy War in Transnistria

We start this month’s episode by looking at the recent escapades of our good friend Mikhail Saakashvili. We begin by looking at Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko’s appointment of Saakashvili as governor of Odessa. Christoph and I discuss how this corrupt war criminal will now be in charge of a politically and economically important region of Ukraine. We also touch on the tricky game that is being played with Saakashvili and his Georgian citizenship.

OSCE neglects its mandate in Ukraine – Moscow

RT | February 25, 2015 The OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine is not fulfilling its mandate to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire, Moscow charges. The monitors complain that they can’t verify withdrawal of weapons without additional data. In its latest report, the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), said […]

Russia’s new military doctrine lists NATO, US as major foreign threats

RT | December 26, 2014 Russia has adopted an updated version of its military doctrine, which reflects the emergence of new threats against its national security. NATO military buildup and American Prompt Global Strike concept are listed among them. The new doctrine was approved on Friday by President Vladimir Putin. Its core remains unchanged from […]

OSCE: No Russian violations on Ukrainian border

RT | August 7, 2014 The OSCE monitoring mission on the Russian-Ukrainian border has registered no violations of international law by the Russian side during its week-long stay at the Gukovo and Donetsk checkpoints, mission head Paul Picard said. During his press conference, Picard was asked to comment on Western claims that Russia is shelling […]

OSCE monitors and journalists come under shelling from Ukraine at Russian border

RT | August 3, 2014 The Russian border checkpoint at the Gukovo crossing was shelled from the Ukrainian side twice on Sunday. OSCE observers and journalists were working at the checkpoint when it was attacked. The first shell exploded at Gukovo at around 0955 GMT, Russian border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev told Itar-Tass news agency. […]

MH17 Shoot-Down Mystery Deepens since July 17

That headline in the Wall Street Journal of July 28 creates the immediate false impression that there is new information: shrapnel destroyed plane! Before the headline is over, the WSJ begins backtracking – “Ukraine Says” ­– a reference that yellow-flags a less than credible source. As the story continues, it reveals that there’s no actual news here, starting with the sub-head: “Older Flight Recorders on Plane Likely to Provide Limited Data” – so is there reliable data or not?