
When a Black Journalist Wins a Pulitzer, Chances Are It’s For Writing White

NEW YORK — In her 1993 bestseller, Volunteer Slavery: My Authentic Negro Experience, the African-American author Jill Nelson wrote that when newsrooms and police departments began to integrate following the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., white journalists and patrolmen often encouraged their new black co-workers to prove their professional loyalty by “shooting their own.”

An American neo-Orientalist in Tehran

 Image: scholar Stephen Greenblatt  (Courtesy PRESS TV)


The scholar who seemed so politically naïve, never expressed a political word and persistently presented himself as an agreeably smiling man with intellectual resources suddenly proved to a be a covert pro-Zionist who may even garner a medal of honor from Mr. Netanyahu, Dr. Ismail Salami writes of Harvard scholar Stephen Greenblatt 


The Islamophobes Have Arrived

The infrastructure of surveillance present in decades past was never dismantled.  Indeed, that infrastructure is enhanced, modernized, insidious and more intrusive than ever.  The targets of the agencies doing the eavesdropping have expanded beyond their original focus but the intent remains the same—to infiltrate, intimidate and disrupt those elements in the nation opposed to government and corporate plans.  Given the open-endedness of this intention, the net cast by the surveillance machinery and its operators is broad and not very discriminatory.  When left unchecked, it becomes a threat