Omar Mateen

Noor Zahi Salman: Everything You’re Hearing About Me Is a Lie

By Sam Husseini | June 15, 2016 Virtually everything in the media about Noor Zahi Salman, Omar Mateen’s wife, is from anonymous government sources. They lie in situations like this. Such anonymous sourcing helped facilitate the lies used to invade Iraq and countless other horrific policies. They’re doubly dangerous during a panic, consider that after government anthrax […]

ORLANDO MASSACRE Narrative Riddled With Problems: And Police Say They Shot Some of the Victims…

This is a brief addendum to my post on Monday about the Orlando Massacre narrative: because subsequent oddities and inconsistencies in the story keep cropping up. I said on Monday that the story doesn’t add up; well it’s adding up even less now. Too many things have appeared in the media or online for me […]

Law Enforcement Misrepresentation of Orlando Killer’s 911 Call Ignores U.S. Foreign Policy Motivation

By Matt Peppe | Just the Facts | June 14, 2016 In the aftermath of the horrific mass murder at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando over the weekend in which 50 people were killed, media including CNN, USA Today, NPR, NBC News, and CBS News, all reported that the gunman called 911 during his murderous rampage […]

Orlando Was the Site of Terrorism. Not Homophobia or Failed Gun Laws.

Remember that at the time of 9/11 the meme the government wanted to forge was that it was the work of terrorists who were part of an international (dare I say) conspiracy to attack this country and our beloved freedom. No one dared focus solely on airport security or cockpit door reinforcement. No, the message was it’s international and therefore wars with natural resources and asset-rich countries like Iraq and Afghanistan were necessary.

Orlando Gunman Was Gay And A Regular At Club He Attacked: Report

(MEEThe gunman who massacred 49 people at the Pulse club in Orlando was himself a regular at the gay nightspot, four club goers told the Orlando Sentinel on Monday.
“Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,” Ty Smith told the Sentinel, referring to Omar Mateen.
Smith told the paper that he saw the 29-year-old inside at least a dozen times.