
Saudi Coalition Crumbles In Yemen: Sudanese Mercenaries On Front Lines, Foreign Officers, Proxies In Revolt

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | November 26, 2017 Most Americans might be forgiven for having no clue what the war in Yemen actually looks like, especially as Western media has spent at least the first two years of the conflict completely ignoring the mass atrocities taking place while white-washing the Saudi coalition’s crimes. […]

UK Secures ‘Permanent’ Naval Base ‘East of Suez’ in Oman

Sputnik – August 30, 2017 In the UK, parliament may still be in summer recess, but government ministers aren’t resting. Defense Minister Michael Fallon jetted to Oman August 28 to cement a number of military agreements with the Sultanate’s leaders. The inking represents a continuation of a longstanding and rarely examined “special relationship” between the […]

Iran offers dialog with Arabs on ‘anxieties’, violence

Press TV – February 19, 2017 Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has proposed the formation of a forum with the participation of Persian Gulf Arab states in order to build a common goal toward overcoming problems. “Countries in the Persian Gulf region need to surmount the current state of division and tension and instead […]

UK in panic over Johnson’s remarks against Saudi regime

Press TV – December 11, 2016 UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson’s recent criticism of Saudi Arabia has worried British officials, with various government figures trying to gloss them over as Johnson’s own personal views. During a conference in Rome last week, Johnson blasted the Riyadh regime over its “proxy wars” in the Middle East and […]

Britain’s Post-Brexit Foreign Policy Is Becoming Clearer – And It’s Not Pretty

Britain is on course to ignore human rights in its foreign policy even more than in the recent past. And, if recent speeches by military leaders are anything to go by, it is even threatening to increasingly use its global military power to secure its financial and economic interests.
The post Britain’s Post-Brexit Foreign Policy Is Becoming Clearer – And It’s Not Pretty appeared first on BSNEWS.

As Saudi and Allies Bombard Yemen US Clocks up $33 Billion Arms Sales in Eleven Months

Sometimes even to the most towering cynic, American hypocrisy is more than breathtaking.
As they lambast their latest “despot”, Syria’s President al-Assad — a man so popular in his country and the region that the US Embassy in Damascu had, by the end of 2006, devised a plan to oust him — arms sales to countries where human rights are not even a glimmer on the horizon have for the US (and UK) become an eye watering bonanza.